Technology in Libraries:
Essays in Honor of Anne Grodzins Lipow
Edited and Published by Roy Tennant
festschrift: "a usually miscellaneous
volume of
writings from several hands for a celebration."
New International Dictionary, unabridged, Springfield, MA: G. &
C. Merriam Company, 1976.
A few of Anne's many friends and colleagues are celebrating her life with essays published as a festschrift both online and in print. The online version is available here for free downloading, since breaking publishing molds was one of the things that Anne did best. A publicity flyer is also available.
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The Entire Book in Adobe Acrobat format. You may also download individual contributions:
- Foreword Roy Tennant
- The Legacy of Anne Lipow Karen Schneider
- Partnering for the Future Helen Hayes
- The Teaching Library: Rethinking Library Services Ellen Meltzer
- Virtual Reference Interviewing and Neutral Questioning Allison A. Cowgill, Louise Feldmann, and A. Robin Bowles
- Users 2.0: Technology at Your Service Darcy Del Bosque and Kimberly Chapman
- Libraries and Distant Users: An Evolving Relationship Samantha Hines
- Is My Library Going Down the YouTube? Reflections on the Information Landscape Diane Kresh
- Is Usability the New B.I.? John Kupersmith
- A Tale of the Failure of the Grand Vision of Virtual Reference, BWDIK Karen Hunt
- Talking Tech: Explaining Technical Topics to a Non-Technical Audience Roy Tennant
- Anne Grodzins Lipow Bibliography
- Index
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